The kids and youth ministries at Oakley Christian Church grow out of our commitment to come alongside parents in the task of discipling their children and doing all we can, by teaching and example, to share the gospel of Christ to them. 

To this end, we offer a variety of age-appropriate ministries:



Ages 0 through 3 years
A safe and loving environment with volunteer caregivers. 
Sundays during worship service at 10:30 am


Children’s Church/ABZ Kids

Ages 4 through 4th grade
Children attend church with their families and are then dismissed after offering time to learn a variety of Bible stories, play, do crafts and enjoy time together with friends. 
Sundays during the sermon/held every other week

Kid’s Sunday School

Ages 0 through 4th grade
Age-specific classes for kids
Sundays at 9:30 am